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Adventures of the Innocent/Sage by Rempel (Album Review)

Adventures of the Innocent/Sage by Rempel

An Album Review by Ganesh Das Braymiller

As someone who has feet deeply planted in both the yogic traditions and the music festival scene, I am overjoyed to say Adventures of the Innocent/Sage by Rempel is a perfectly nuanced, visceral path between these two worlds - the proverbial swoop on the yin-yang of meditative union and vibrant good times. Radiant as the sun on this record, Michael Rempel, of the five-petaled jamtronica band, Lotus, has created a truly balanced electronic masterpiece, inviting old friends and new fans alike, through a unique, whimsical journey of remarkable depth and subtlety.

Mastered by Anthony Thogmartin of Papadosio lore, Adventures of the Innocent/Sage is as refined as it is brilliant; as it’s dark, searching ambience consistently breaks way into the all-enveloping heart-space that Rempel imbibes as the brimming, baseline bodhicitta (heart-mind) of his music.

I realize, through this album, that the golden, radiant, bright-light that breaks through the dark, shadow-work sections in Lotus sets; is indeed a culmination of the inner-work Rempel has cultivated to get out of his own way, and allow the magic of the spontaneous, boundless mystery to flow through the open channel of his being.

“I love ambient and chill electronic music. My intention is to make soulful music that relaxes the nervous system and lifts the spirit.” - Michael Rempel

One of my spiritual teachers once told me, “It’s not about what you’re doing, it's about how you’re being...” but it sure helps if you’re doing something cool, as well. Rempel exemplifies this harmony tenfold throughout Adventures of the Innocent/Sage, which expresses itself as a deeply intentional and enlightening journey through the inner-workings of a budding mystic.

If you are already a fan of his music, this album will undoubtedly deepen it’s resonance, and bring you into a fuller understanding of the innate, harmonious flow of Rempel’s being and sonic offerings. And even if you’ve never heard a lick of Rempel’s guitar, attended one of his workshops, or felt the darshan of his tapped-in-flow smile; I can say assuredly, that Adventures of the Innocent/Sage will absolutely to soften your nerves, lift your spirit, and bring you Home.

Adventures of the Innocent/Sage by Rempel will be released 11/20/2020

For more information on Rempel’s ongoing projects in music, workshop facilitation, writing, and meditation, please visit

Utmost Gratitude & Love,

Ganesh Das Braymiller



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